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The COVID-19 crisis and the financial aid in Luxembourg

We detail here below the various financial aid voted by the Government in order to face the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) crisis.

Refundable Financial Aid

Repayable capital grant paid in one or more installments and whose repayment conditions depend on the financial recovery. The company must demonstrate an unforeseeable damaging event on a certain type of economic activity during a given period has been established by Grand-Ducal regulation.

Financial subvention of € 5,000 (1st)

A financial for companies that had the obligation to close following the entry into force of the Grand-Ducal regulation of March 18, 2020. The subvention will take the form of a single lump-sum capital grant and is tax-free.

Financial subvention of € 2,500

Certified emergency compensation for commercants, artisans and intellectual workers, as well as managing partners. Persons having the status of independent as main activity. The subvention will take the form of a single lump-sum capital grant and is tax-free.


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